Anlyth Virwynn Myltharin

Name: Anlyth Virwynn Myltharin
Nickname: Pegleg Anne
Race: Half Elf
Sex: Shemale
Age: Appears to be in her mid 20s.
Height: 6 feet 0 inches/ 1.83 meters
Weight: 154 lbs./ 70 kg
Eyes: Teal, closer to the Green spectrum.
Hair: Vivid ginger.
Scent: Salt and rum.
Bust: Large and swollen enough to encompass more than a hand.
Body: Toned, muscular.
Skin: Rough. Modestly tanned. Unblemished if not for the presence of the scar sported across her cheek.
Interests: Girls, all stringed and powdered weapons, drinking, naughty stuff.

Physical Traits

A beauty of six foot inches tall stands before you, capable of dwarfing the vast majority of the female gender. Arguably her best feature, her fiery mane could be compared to a living lighthouse when combined with her height, a proverbial beacon of hope for all women that perfection was within reach, and she its palpable, breathing paragon.

Her features were slightly angular, bearing just the right amount of prominence about the cheekbones and an elegang upward-slant shape of eye to suggest elven blood was at play, with her pointed ears and crystalline sight all but confirming the fact beyond all doubt.

The ginger haired wonder's attributes did not cease to be exceptional from the neck down. Quite in fact, she was one of few enough women to be blessed with broad, powerful looking shoulders, also influenced, no doubt, by an active lifestyle. Such an approach to life further distanced her from the more relaxed, decadent female counterparts of her world, her physique that of a robust, agile build, the totality of her flesh brimming with both stamina and strength, well-shaped and well defined, with a visible abdominal wall. Be that as it may, her womanly assets remained very much intact.

A single scar marks Anlyth's otherwise spotless visage. It runs from half way along her left eye's forehead all the way to the beginning of her cheek. The old, dangerous injury spared nothing in its wake, allowing no brow or eyelid to halt its pass.


Out of Character & Traffic Lights
Green: I am, in general, fine with most things. I prefer taking the moments as I see them and get them rather than presenting grounds for a selection from which to choose. Some of the things I enjoy may not actually match Anlyth's In Character likes, and as such, I will react appropriately.

Yellows: People who randomly and consistently ditch out of ERP without warning. The descriptionless. The situational moment of watersports. Dub Con.

Reds: Child-like concepts of any shape, size or race. Animals. Scat. Gratuitous violence devoid of context. Rape.

The player behind Anlyth is tell friendly and acceptant of Out of Character arrangements if the offer is undeniably interesting, provided the offering party accepts things may not take place as planned the very instant the ball is first rolled In Character.

Thought you'd find some nice thicc juicy cawk description here, right? Rp for it first, you thirsty you.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human