Thyna Sebron


Thyna Sebron is a mage for hire who doesn't ask too many questions. She is perfect for those in need of magical aid whether it be for nefarious or benign means. She can help protect and fight enemies or increase one's fertility. As her power grows the limits to her work decrease and it is rumored she is searching for a steady employer to ally herself with.

Spot of +10 or Lore of +15:
One with an observant Gaze or knack for the arcane will notice that Thyna's hands are always covered. When they aren't, magic can be detected around them in form of some type of glamour.***

(This character is strictly for social RP, business propositions, and adventuring.)

***Thyna's hands have taken an extent amount of damage due to the magic she wields. The skin is wrinkled and there is a trace of charring and burns surrounding her palms and fingertips. The damage has been caused due to the extensive drainage of her magic and the raw elements she wields

Player:Thalia DuVal
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human