Xulltha Nirith

---Name- Xulltha Nirith
--- Race- Drow
---- Sex- Female (Though can grow a cock via Magic if needed)
--- Job- Soul Guide of The Pale Mother
          - Breeder of the Pale Mother

Soul Guide-(WIP) A Soul Guide carries Lost Souls within There body and Brings them to Temple for Judgement.

-Soul Guide Abilities- (Rp'd of course)
 -Soul Judgement Pregnancy- The Soul Guides body May look pregnant during the time carry a Lost Soul .The status of the pregnancy determines how Far long the Judgement is. A Soul Guide will emanate an Aura during these pregnancies

[Soul Judgement  Pregnancy]
Status =

-- Family --
Mother - Calia

Lights - (WIP)
White- Passion, Romance, Pregnancy, Breeding, Lactation

Yellow- ??

Red- Anything forced or Agianst the  rules, Also not into bondage

(Tell Friendly)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf