The Pet Doctor

An Icestorm or similar circumstance has spontaneously appeared from a flying sparrow! Or maybe it was a butterfly! The creature varies on the circumstance, but now someones pet or mount is dead/smacked super hard! Oh no! What happened?!


RACE: Unknown, Appears to be steam or gas
CONCEPT: To enhance RP/PVP on Sinfar in relation to abandoned/lag inducing pets.
REASON: In the days of old, pets would be killed by players to teach lessons to put them in stables, homes, or back into their respective wand/device/ect. Resurrection is cheap, effective, and the minimal labor it takes to return them to life is a far more effective method than "asking" which will just be ignored. Think of this like getting your car towed, no one likes it, but if you're smart it only happens once... Unless you like the drama, in which case, pay the toll.

If you're reading this... Congratulations... You can use to search Characters and Check your Combat Log (or you are a stalker or recieved this link from someone, in which case "ObiWanHelloThere.gif"):

Before engaging in tells:

1) Did you have Line of Sight?

2) Did your same character see this one with whom you're attempting to 'investigate' with?

3) Did you NOT leave your mount unattended?

4) Can you hear Silent Spells?

If you've answered NO to all of these questions and still want to Meta-Game, then you've self-inflicted Butt-Hurt on yourself. Yay, you, you lose and your pet is dead.

If you Answered Yes:
1)Did you have Line of Sight?
-If you did have line of sight, you would see a cloud of mist. If you have true-sight, you'd see a cloud of mist.

2) Did your same character see this one that you're attempting to 'investigate' with?

-This one should be self-explanatory, if you answered no to this and you're passing information between your own created characters... Then ~no-one~ wants to play with you (That's not a punny name, that's literally everyone).

3) Did you NOT leave your mount unattended?

-If this doesn't apply and you're reading this, you're either bored and stalking my characters list, or you left your mount out and it died of spontaneous Ice Storms and are a completionist (XboxAchievement.mp3).

4) Can you hear Silent Spells?

-You must be psychic, and will have to roll for trying to read the Mists concept of a mind. Which you probably can't do unless you're aware of the creature, which you probably aren't since an ice storm seemed to appear from no where... If you're confused, have a special ability, or have a creative way to detect casting naturally, send me a tell, we'll game it out.

If you're not having fun:
A) Don't leave your mounts out, they lag the server and people might have IC reasons to kill them, (and crying because someone is giving you an excuse to do an investigation is just poor form).
B) Send me a tell and bitch, I'll tell you to read this description, and then you'll know where I'm coming from... From there: you can suck it up, or continue to bitch, or make up your own mind and choose an option not listed. (Hopefully before during or after that, we can come to a reasonable solution.)
The above choices are limiting, and a box of irony, sucks to get put in those, I don't mean it seriously... So don't do it to other people.

C) Complain publicly so the rest of Sinfar can laugh at you in FFA and Discord, and then go back to loving each other. You can complain falsely, accuse that I'm a troll, call me names, and threaten to tarnish my reputation, but we'll all know the truth: You can't separate IC from OOC, and your butt hurts.

BONUS, if you bitch I'll have heard your perspective, and hopefully you make some good points so I can become a better player too. There are no losers in debates, since the theory is that you can both learn from the experience (P.S. I've probably heard it all before if you want to name call and drop accusations, but people need to vent, so come at me: I'm patient.)!!!


Out of Character Addendum:
Despite these obvious shenanigans, I love roleplay and take it quite seriously. I am more than happy to work it out and roleplay the consequences which are more than in character for any of my PC's. If you choose not to believe me, call me a liar, or a troll, then prove it with screenshots or call a DM.  (The burden of proof falls on the accuser.)

I follow the rules as written first, and then PvP second.

The mechanical system is flawed, but it still works most of the time, and if you want anything to work you'll need to actually roleplay to investigate (Which should be fun in an otherwise pointless, stand around and do nothing but argue, bitch, be immune to liquor, big dicks, death, disease, ect. Land of Shenanigans).

P.S. Take screenshots, I know I will. <3
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Halfling