Willow Le'Beau

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It has more than once been commented upon that the opening of the gates has brought forth all sorts of folks, and this woman is no exception. Willow is an earthy young woman seemingly living mostly alone in the swamps and bayous of the lands that lie beyond the city wall. She is a lonely, eccentric woman who meanders the wilds and civilized lands of the island, looking for a community of people of sorts to call her own and perhaps a bit more in life generally speaking.

The woman stands a respectable 5'7" with an hourglass figure accentuated by corsets often worn and toned yet supple muscles. The feminine silhouette below the long slender neck swells to a full bust donning a pair of decently sized breasts, nicely rounded though not overly large. On down from her narrow waist and fairly flat tummy swell childbearing hips supporting a pear-shaped, generously plump arse that sway invitingly beneath flowing skirts. Her shoulder-length, wavy hair a ginger-red bordering on orange and as stereotypical in shade as a ginger can be. Those locks always worn loosely framing a rather lovely face with pouty, mauve-colored lips, a slightly upturned nose set between high cheekbones, and a pair of vivid purple eyes surrounded by long lashes and purple eye make-up that draw a person's gaze. One would see of her form not covered with clothing smooth, creamy, flawless skin and hands sporting carefully manicured nails painted in violets that compliment her eyes as well as the nails upon her feet should one catch her barefoot to notice. Should any imperfections mar the form of the ethereal looking woman, such would not be readily seen by most. The woman moves as if always in a fluid, graceful, elegant dance and speaks with a misty, husky voice. However, she does appear a woman capable of handling herself, not afraid of hard work.

With an easy smile and carefree demeanor, the woman oft seen carrying herself as if not having a worry nor concern in the world. In speaking to her one would easily surmise she is not of the city. The woman though quite sociable and really rather charming might, however, be off-putting to some given the unusual accent a person would hear coming from those full lips. Her style of clothing gives yet another indication of the sort of woman she is, favoring mostly simple, long dresses of cobalt blues and violets that accent her eyes which are narrow yet flowing enough to allow for swift, easy movement, waist hugging corsets of various styles, fishnet hosiery upon both her arms and legs, heeled knee-high boots, and a simple wrap about her shoulders at times. Regardless of what attire the woman wears on any given day, rare is she seen out and about without her signature yellow-tinted spectacles, her top-hat adorned with feathers of blues and browns, and a curious amulet of cobalt blue worn on a black-dyed length of hemp with an etching of an ornate eye upon its surface.  In fact, some might come to say these last three pieces are a sort of trademark for the woman. One would not oft see her wearing anything else save were she to engage in a hunt or in other particular situations.

The pleasant scent of crisp, clean rain waters with a defining musk of various herbs in particular cayenne left in her wake; with an alluring batting of her lash-adorned colored eyelids and a flirtatious upward curve of her lips, the woman traverses the lands offering a pleasant greeting to all she passes. As rumors of the city gates being opened to all that lie beyond once more reach the woman, whether out of pure inquisitive nature and intrigue or perhaps for a particular purpose remaining to be seen, she journeys to the great city. In many ways quite the oddity among its denizens, to know anything further though one would have to converse with her.

"Ja be tinkin' I be stupid cuz o' where I be comin from. Whelp, I naut be bein easily bought, an' I ain't dat easy ta fool."
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human