Eva Dnirn

Race: Half-Elf
Profession: Arcanist (Sorc+Wiz)
Specialty: Conjuration, Wild Magic
Weight: Chubby, plump!
Aligned: Neutral Good

Commissioned art!

TLDR - A rather curvy woman, clearly nerdy and typically cheerful. Seldarine religious symbols are present, and her knowledge of magic is more than obvious, but she never carries a spellbook with her.

This one's a little bit off her rocker, but there's always a chance that she's worth it. Eva's hands toy with dark arcane forces beyond her understanding. A magical aura surrounds this woman at all times, an aura that is heavily amplified if her shadowy wings are put on display. She is occasionally accompanied by a thick dark tentacle that winds and coils around her plump feminine form. It even merges with her clothing in a weird illusion-y kind of way.

Occasionally, the chubby thing may drift from black to blonde, her tentacles changing in hues to match. It's really, really fun to be an arcanist because all that sort of stuff is easy to do. More importantly however, is the enchanted earring that represents her loyalty to House D'nirn. Engraved upon it is a faintly luminescent pattern resembling a burning rose. She also inherited a cute witchy "ehehe" laugh from her interactions with this house.

Religion was never her strength nor focus in life, but it's never too late to start! Clipped into her footwear is a dangling icon, a tall glass of wine with pearls floating inside, representing Alobal Lorfiril, a Seldarine deity of magic and revelry. References to deities didn't end there, though they were rather subtle. Only the most perceptive and knowledgeable people will note symbolism dedicated to Alathrien Druanna, shown by the occasional telling glyph in her clothing which honors this minor Elven goddess of runes and conjuration magic.

Overall, she seems to ride the highs and lows that her unpredictable magic brings, her will entwined with the very tentacles that she is meant to control.

Character is generally closed to sex, with very specific exceptions indeed. But for reference..

Green: Switchtalking. Which isn't a word. Hell, just do it in the OOC areas. Put everything in quotations if you feel a need to!

Red: Rape, slavery, mind control, permanent death, corruption, victim characters. Generally this means it's a waste of time to interact with Eva as a rapist, slaver or victim. I prefer to play with barbies and have a wholesome positive time because I'm a dumb girl who never grew up.

I'm also Zariel and I love stealing description layouts from Licere apparently! Tells welcome, and if you read all this way down, then wow I actually do appreciate that because I put effort into this >.>
Player:Neven Guitar
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human