Golder Carlson

Height: 6'7"
Weight 320lbs (He's.. .kinda pudgy.)
Hair color: Silver grey
Eyes: Brown

Golder's an old man with one eye, the best word to describe him being 'grumpy.' He's got little time for debauchery, more or less ignoring most attempts at flirting. His armor, if you can call it that, is layered leather with bits of moss apparently growing out of it, and he generally reeks of mould and something ....earthy. Hopefully that's just dirt. His hair is long, and tangled, with just enough cut so he can see easier. He's missing an eye, from some misadventure or another perhaps. When one is close, occasionally they might see something crawling around in his scruffy beard.

While he's friendly enough on being approached, he'll default to ignoring and leaving if approached violently and generally can't be bothered to respond to insults.


Red: SCAT, few others you most likely won't tread on.

Green: Wonderful characters.

White: Goofy rp and silly fun!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human