Bors Darkspire

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Broad built and a imposing stature this orc seem to be a menacing sight to see. With a nod of his head and a grunt here or there he greets those about him and it would seem this orc has sought out employ within the walls....

Unlike most orc, he does not seem to be adorned with any sort of weapons or even armor for that matter, just an assortment bags and scars.  Speaking of scars, the most notable of scars are the one going through his left shoulder, the gash on his left side, the two claw marks upon his chest and the long gash upon his back traversing the majority of its length. He stands at 6' 9" and bristling with muscles.

As for demeanor, he seems easy going for the most part but those on the opposite end of his fury may have a different story to tell. In battle he comes off as confident in his skill and ability and not afraid to back down if the opportunity presents itself.

OOC Note: If looking for Bors by name or description, or if wanting to run into him by hap chance, I am very tell friendly and don't mind working out an IC in to engage in.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc