Chago Khalazza

The Naughty and Watchful Archer

An elf kneels in the corner, the faint flicker of the candle born flame reflected in the whites of his eyes. Content to watch, he remains silent as the two lovers explore each others nude bodies, hands and lips tracing the delicate skin of breast, neck, and belly. The lovers know he gains satisfaction from watching their coupling and the man ignores him with but a glance while the female frequently draws her eeyes to meet those of the watching elf so that he may see her ecstasy.

Chago looks up at you. "Pleasant greetings my friend...Please sit and join me for a drink. Where did we leave off? Oh yes."

]  I spent my early years amongst a drove of elves in the forest and as I watched my closest friends dive into the arcane arts and become proficient at magic, I quickly determined that my place was not among them. Showing affinity for the bow and fletched arrows, a female teacher, 200 years my senior, invited me to study my craft under her tutelage. A patient but strict teacher, she required complete obedience at all times, relieving me of my bow on the first day and leading me into thick woods to simply observe the world around me. A tall elf with thin body, ample bosom, and curvy hips, I hesitated when she told me to remove my clothing but a sharp admonishment from her soon saw me turn crimson as I stood there naked. Having no idea of her intentions, she turned and began to walk away. As I started to follow her, she once again ordered me to remain here and learn to use my senses to accustom myself to my surroundings until she returned. It was over a week before she returned, throwing the new black clothes at my feet, and ordering me to dress. I had lived off the food nature provided and drank from the streams that watered the animals. This exercise was repeated many times over the next 100 years, teaching me to listen, smell, feel, and watch.

As my training continued, I was her servant as much as she was my teacher, never directly touching or sexualizing me, even though I was now a man, even by elven standards. Nor was she celibate. I escorted many a gentleman to her chambers over the years and she always had me leave the door open after inviting him inside. Throughout the house I could separate the sounds of her moaning like I was still alone in the woods. After a few years I snuck back up to her bedroom door and quietly watched until she looked at me and smiled which caused me to blush and flee. She laughed and teased me, telling me that I could watch all I wanted and from that point on, I found a common place outside her bedroom door. I also found myself in the bushes near the pools, watching the female elves frolicking in the water.

Even though I required no more training, I continued to serve my lady for many years until one day she informed me that she was dying. She still looked as young as the day I met her and yet she now appeared frail to me. That night, I lay in her bed and held her against me as I felt the last breath leave her body. For the first time in 100 years, a single tear streamed down my cheek as I realized how much I loved my tutor. A letter by her bedside labeled Chago requested that I take her body and bury her with her ancestors in the woods, the place she took me on my first day of training. I washed her body, wrapped her in the finest silk I could find and carried her for half a day, spending the rest to dig her grave with my bare hands. After gently laying her in the ground, I placed my bow upon her chest, cried my second tear, and left her to rest as I stood vigil for one week.

After I closed her estate, I decided to spend many of my days in the wilderness where she taught me to fit in, especially if a busy pool with many a female visitor is nearby. I am always in search of the next adventure or the next lighted bedroom window. **the playful laughter dies off slowly**

That, so far, is the story of my life. I am always looking for companionship if you wish to join me,,,

Height: 5ft  7in
Weight: 200lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blueish Gray
Markings: None
Class: Fighter/Bard/Arcane Archer

RED LIGHTS: Scat, Vore, Gore, Snuff, Vomit, anything against server rules.

YELLOW LIGHTS: Males, bi-sexuality, Rape, Bestiality.

GREEN LIGHTS: Voyeurism, Submission, Slavery, Chastity, Tease and Denial, Torture, Punishment.

Chago is a bit submissive and less apt to approach someone he doesnt know. He remains mostly respectful but can be playful, which sometimes gets him into a bit of trouble.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf