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Name: Jhun
Race: Gloaming
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (fyi Gloamings age/mature quickly and are considered adults by 13 yrs)  
Skin: Pale
Hair:jet black
Wings: either furry or crystalline
Height: 3' 2" (She is a giant among her kind)
Weight: 25 lbs
Origin: The Gloaming Capitol city of  Sphur Upra.
Personality traits: Curious,chaotic, compulsive, prone to wandering (in all regards),mischievous, they tend to be brazen around Illithid (who find them unpalatable.) but fairly timid, even submissive around Drow (who like to capture, torture and enslave one of the rare creatures of the Underdark that can naturally fly!)

Gloamings are often misidentified as Tieflings by others because of their few similarities. But Gloamings consider the miss-identification as an insult!  They are afterall, far more attractive and less moody!

Green/White:  Anything not mentioned in the Reds.

Red: Toilet stuff. OOC stalking (IC stalking is fine with RP).  

Player:I forget who
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf