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Some wars never end, because nobody remembers why they started in the first place. Judging by the nature of both sides, the causes are easy to guess, yet no one remembers. Such is the case with Mount Celestia and the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. Good against the worst, light against darkness - enough to make poets dream, bards sing, sheep tremble and preachers quiver.

It's in the context of this war that the strange creature you're contemplating seems to have come into the world, but no one really knows what its nature is. Is it an angel that has been corrupted, or a demon that is betraying its true nature? No one knows, not even Vizsiel, who only remembers his first name, not much more. He doesn't know what he is, at least that's what he claims. But who could doubt such a charming face?

He looks like a statue, partly cracked in places, yet those who touch his skin will feel soft, supple flesh under pressure. His features are drawn with a certain perfection, a timeless beauty that scrutinizes you with a gaze full of mischief. His face shows very little expression, relatively fixed even if a smile or a burst of laughter can alter this neutrality of expression, which he displays like a quasi-permanent mask.

Your curiosity may lead your eyes to descend upon this naked body, never wearing clothes under any circumstances. If you ask him, he'll tell you that it would be criminal to conceal perfection. An answer tinged with ego and humor. To return to your gaze, if he were to venture lower down, then he'd discover a male sculpture, a muscular bust carved by an artist who wanted this work of art to be athletic, slender and powerful. A skin untouched by the cracks of his face, without the slightest imperfection and repairing itself to every wound with the most disconcerting speed.

In the muscular relief of its back hang two wings, two magnificent appendages of modest size that don't seem to be able to allow it to fly.They look more like decorations than actual utilitarian parts of his body. If this being was an angel, then its plumage has given way to a far less celestial appearance, for reasons unknown.
At the base of its back are two fiend tails, long and thick, with very little mobility, they seem to be motionless. In certain situations, you may see them move, each with its own autonomy, separate from its twin. They are swift and agile, prehensile and extremely useful. Quite dangerous to be honest...

Continuing on the path of curiosity, here you are, looking at where this handsome male's virility should be, it's not. At first glance, there's no shape to his body; instead, you notice a strange coloration to his skin. If you look closely, you get the impression that the lower part of his body, whose shape reminds you of feline, is made of shadows or darkness - hard to say. A living matter that sometimes battles with the gray parts of its belly, with its outrageously carved abdominal muscles, as if to take over more territory, in vain.

His appearance is an ode to the duality of light and dark. And so is his behavior. Viz can be particularly charming, friendly and entertaining, just as he can be violent, evil and snarling. An exquisite dichotomy that doesn't seem to have any real logic at first, although you'll notice that you often get what you deserve with this creature. The embodiment of karmic balance.

He enjoys friendships just as much as he enjoys conflict, seemingly unconcerned about the consequences, and can laugh at your defeat as well as his own.


Dungeon crawling, Adventuring, Supplies collecting, Keys hunting, Fighting

RPing, Chatting, Drinking, Laughing, Gambling, Bitching, Trading



Congratulations, you scrolled so far that you have found a Balrog! Again!
So you'll never learn?
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf