Callistus Argentum

Portrait Save
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 33
Height: 5'11
Build: Powerful, Athletic
Hair: Shaggy, Blue
Eyes: Blue, Piercing
Warlock Patron: The Moon?!? (Hexblade, "Pale Luna")
Paladin Patron: The Moon! (None, self-actualized)
Alignment: Detects as NG. Obnoxiously so, might give headaches

A taller woman with a clearly martial bent, and an air of odd magic around her. Callistus claims to be a paladin, and by all measures that appears to be totally factual. With a holy blade and divine magic entrusted to her by her mysterious patron, she sets forth to drive the wicked from the land!

...Or she would, if anything evil managed to stay dead for more than five minutes on this plane. Quickly coming to the conclusion that it's not feasible to actually make a difference or even meaningfully inconvenience any evil creature on the plane, she's decided that life is better enjoyed than martyred pointlessly like some moron who's death would only serve to stroke some jerk's ego.

The woman is powerfully built, tall, well muscled, and has her curves in the right places, with that sort of idealized body so many seem to want. She doesn't seem particularly smart, or wise, or quick, and she doesn't seem to wear real armor, or even know anything about meaningful combat, instead flailing about in whatever manner might look cool to her, but it's clear she has some sort of supernatural prowess. Maybe that paladin gibberish was actually for real?

She certainly doesn't act much like a paladin, though, behaving more like some moron caught up in her own delusions of grandeur.

Red: Everything. No Tells.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human