
Portrait Save
Name: Nilaa
Race: Wild Elf Possibly?
Height: 5'6
Hair: Curly Auburn
Eye: Green
Skin tone: Tan
Figure: Endowed for an elf but not so massive that her back will break.
Attire: Often bits of fabric dyed to match the forest.
Temperament: Distrustful, sometimes snarky, other times feral and capricious

~ Her long, cascading, curly hair is usually knotted in places, with small braids that could be hiding a leaf or three. She has bone piercing in her tapered ears and there is a sense of wildness from her as if the forest mirrors her every step.

Nilaa appears to be a wild elf or wood elf  but she has two pointed small fangs and a propensity to growl in such a way as when she's riled up to sound like a beast.  

Her history isn't a deep dark secret but she doesn't speak about it often unless asked directly.

At times it appears that henna tattoos adorn her body in tribal patterns, but she's not illiterate or incapable of speech and finds anyone who speaks about themselves in third person to be completely devoid of intelligence.  

Her body is all woman, with a generous helping of rounded bosom, though her hips are slightly more narrow. She slinks when she walks and has a penchant for painting her nails. Her fingernails seem to grow into a point almost as if they were slight claws.

When backed into a corner she will either pick fight or flight not hardwired to favour one over the other. Her golden  skin is kissed by the sun but also it's apparent that she has a natural tan that wouldn't fade even bereft of sunlight.

Her face is beautiful if not slightly sharp, her eyes almond shaped and her jaw a bit angular with a small upturned button nose and bow lips, the two features that soften her face from being too severe. ~

Green: Most things.. perhaps too long to list but most of all RP, story RP, Chit chat RP, character grown RP and of course sessy sessy time.

Yellow: Vore, Extreme Torture

Red: Scat, Cervical Pen. (That doesn't mean that big ones are out)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf