Brigitte Wulfsdottr

Tall and powerfully built with long blonde hair the color of honey framing a face with features that are more striking than pretty. Eyes the blue of mountain glaciers looking out with the cool certainty of one who is very sure of themselves, or perhaps one who doesnt' know that she shouldn't be.

Somewhat naive about the wider world and the people in it she is strong, brave, and fiercely loyal to her friends. Certainly nothing bad could happen to her in this strange place in which she finds herself ... could it?

OOC Stuff:
I don't do anything against server rules, or anything with urine, feces, blood, vomit, animals, or children.

I rather made her with the idea that she's not the sharpest tack in the box, and could be manipulated by someone into a tough spot or difficult choice. If her loyalty is gained it is fierce and unending though. Could be interesting to find out how she progresses.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human