Tara Swift

Basic Infos

Race: Human (Saban / Middle East Traits)
Sex: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual / Bi-Curious
Hair: Dark Chocolate & Blue Dyed Strands
Eyes: Sapphire Blue
Physique: Athletic
Appearance: WYSIWYG, Mostly
Profession: "Shieldmaiden" / "Corsair"
Class: Rogue / CoT / WM

Player Interests

RP: Any, Preference For Mature
PvE: Unlimited, If Enough Time
PvP: Sometimes / See Below

Detailed Infos

This character, like any other of mine, shapes its personality through interaction, actions and "adventures" with other characters. Tara Swift has been created with mostly RP in mind. That also means she is designed to have some flaws.

You don't get a background story and no over-detailed description. These are subjects to either evolve constantly over time or they are potential subject to change, for this description. You get roleplay with me.

In regards of the naughty traffic light system, the player prefers heterosexual scenes, most of the time. Same sex isn't excluded but less likely to happen. Genders on the transition line between male and female have least chances with this character, if any. Open to many races but don't expect too much. No urine, no feces. Cleaning cocks oral from anal intercourse isn't a tasty subject either. No telepathy or mindreading or mindcontrol.

Most other subjects and topics are negotiable or welcome. As of Februar 13th 2020, the character received a more matching build. Original was fighter / cleric / with a few rogue levels but I have had too many clerics and said class didn't fit the aimed theme too well. The character is mostly for RP and PvE but I might join a spar or CTF, if super kindly asked on this character. I have better suited characters for PvP.

The player has notable experience in PvP, PvE, "building" / toolset and I'm willing to assist, in some cases. If possible, through roleplay.

The player expects a minimum of mannerism, is forgiving towards mistakes and cares not for any typo of yours in general RP. OOC talk is OK when it stays within limits. "Tells" of the player are always OOC and reserved for that purpose only.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human