Kelsey Sigerlin

This character is a shapeshifter. While the two main forms are listed below, he may assume other forms as well. If you're unsure what you're looking at, just shoot me a tell.

White Tiger (Anthro) Form
Age: ??
Height: 7'2
A bulky mass of white fur and muscle stands before you. The being almost seems somewhat uncomfortable in their own skin. The fur, however, is remarkably soft to the touch. When this being speaks, it is in a deep, gutteral tone. There are no weapons carried by this individual.

Caucasian Human Form
Age: Appears in his early 20's
Height: 6'3
You see a relatively tall man by human standards before you. Long, dark brown hair that looks impeccably kept flows down to about his shoulders. While his physique isn't overly muscular, he's certainly in good shape. Lining his jaw and around his mouth is a thin beard that always appears freshly shaven. His hazel-green eyes take in his surroundings curiously.

Greens: Women, risk-play (pregnancy, getting caught, etc), corruption, adultery, vanilla

Yellow: Anything not listed above and below!

Reds: Dicks, PvP, OOC drama, pineapple on pizza
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human