Cia Primrose

Age: 21
Race: Tiefling
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4
Physique: Lean and Curvy
Eye Colour: Sky Blue
Hair: Raven Black
Sexuality: Bisexual

This young tiefling woman stands idly by, her sky blue eyes scanning across wherever she stands. Looking for someone, or something, a soft smirk usually embellishes her full, red lips.

Quite stunning in her appearance, the woman obviously takes some care. Applying a light facade of makeup to enhance her natural beauty.

Her physique is lean, slightly muscular. She holds herself tall and confident. She holds an ample bosom, and a lean taut stomach.

Her rear is plump and firm; honed from years of training giving way to a pair of silky, long legs. Her body kept devoid of unnecessary hair. A tail emerges from the base of her spine, idly flicking about as she watched around. She controls it with a fine dexterity and grace.

It is evident the woman trains to keep herself in peak condition, accentuating her nature with her physical discipline.

RP in General! Relationships (Friendly/Sexual!), adventures, stories.
Women. Men, Vanilla. Rough.

Anything that isn't in a green you should just ask first.
Kidnapping, Brainwashing, Slavery. (Temporary is nice, and will make me more likely to go along with it.)

Rape, Scat, Vore, Watersports, toilet stuff. Child play.

Tell Friendly! Please feel free to ask anything; I'll just tell you to find out in game. If I don't think it's a tell answer

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human