
Name: Primigenia "Genie" Delrin
Race: Possibly half-drow
Sex: Female
Age: Appears about 18-19 human equivalent

Genie has an elf's lithe frame, but is closer to a human in height and her limbs are heavily muscled, giving her a slightly mismatched appearance. Her hair is naturally white, like a drow, and her skin a light grey colour. Her elongated ears are reminiscent of a cat's, with white fur tufts.
Her feet are just plain odd: each has a pair of thick toes tipped with hard, dark nails...with a third nail sprouting from the heel.

Quiet yet curious, Genie is fairly good-natured unless given reason to be otherwise. She does seem a little clumsy at times; almost as though she has never fully mastered her odd feet...
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human