Cyfer Gulls

Cyfer Gulls

Green: As far as a character goes, Cyfer has two real focuses. Relationships and BDSM. Cyfer is mostly looking for relationships of any sort: friendships, romance, master/slave. As for BDSM, Cyfer is a dominant, however in the right circumstances he could easily switch roles. He enjoys bondage, force, and really every aspect that I as a player am creative enough to come up with. All that said, RP is the main focus with him. It's a rare case if he ever rushes off with the first person he sees and I prefer longer lasting story-lines then one off events.

Yellow: Men in sexual role-play. I won't say never, it isn't something I'll seek out and Cyfer as a character is straight. (Though sexual preferences always have an odd opportunity to change) However there are different circumstances which I can see him in and I would follow the RP. For example threesomes with another man, or some sort of orgy.

Reds: Anything against server rules is a given, I also red light scat, rape, and flat out violence and domestic abuse.

Cyfer is your average looking man, with no real physical features or oddities which would stand out to anyone at a first glance. Or really any glance for that matter. Cyfer is just a normal human man, with brown eyes and hair. He keeps a thin well trimmed beard as he also makes sure that not a single hair is out of place on his head. To him it is clear that appearances is key, and one could hazard a guess that he might be actually wearing some form of expensive makeup along with the fact he is clearly wearing some form of expensive cologne which causes his scent to change on the day to day.

For those whom get him into a more intimate situation they'd see Cyfer as a well tanned and muscular gentleman, the sort you'd expect to see on the cover of some campy 80's fantasy or sci-fi novel. His tanned skin having the sort of tone that you'd expect to see from someone whose lived in the desert most of their life or an area with a lot of sun. As for his package, while it doesn't compare to those with appendages the size of horses, he is in no way poorly built and in any other place he'd even be considered blessed.

As for his appearance in dress, Cyfer's wardrobe consists mostly of the most expensive suits and dress clothes as he seems to take the same pride in his clothes and outfit as he does in his physical appearance. He makes sure to keep his outfit clean, polished, and personally fitted for him. It'd be a cold day in hell when he is not seen dressed to the nines. And if someone every gets to see him in such a state with his outfit ripped, dirty, or disheveled, Cyfer would clearly look just as disheveled as his outfits which he clearly obsesses over.

As for his personality Cyfer is perpetually kind to everyone. Enjoying good friends and good conversation, he's always quick to laugh or spring a joke. Sometimes even going to far as to become annoying to some for the lengths he's willing to go for humor. When someone speaks to him, Cyfer will gladly explain that he enjoys what he considers 'finer' things: Good relaxation, good food, good drink, good books, and good company. Especially if that company is beautiful women. The man also abhors violence against other people and dislikes it when someone is treated illy, going far enough as openly stepping in to prevent any violence when possible along with offering any sort of assistance to any who would need it.

However Cyfer does take part in darker pleasures, behind closed doors and with the proper company the man has a fondness for whips, chains, and any other odd devices at his disposal. Those whom are willing, Cyfer enjoys acting as a dominant master. Happily open to try really any kink, as long as it is in a safe environment and his partner is consenting.

As of recent Cyfer has been actively trying to find religion again. Going so far as to trying to gain divine powers through the god Ilmater, even despite his kinks in the bedroom.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human