
Portrait Save
Name: Nyalisa
Sex: Female, always
Race : Water Nymph
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 75 lbs
Eyes: Solid White
Hair: Bright blue

Nya is a small woman in stature, though arguably a bit taller than a halfling.  

Her entire body is translucent, as if looking through living water.  Starting at the top, Nya has a defined jawline, high cheeks and freckles adorning the bridge of her nose, which appear as merely darker tiny pools of water.  She has a tiny nose, offset by a pair of pointed ears.  

Moving down, she sports a healthy sized chest for her height.  While she is very agile and cunning, her translucent frame wouldn't do her justice as any form of muscle is entirely not present.    A set of short little legs support her bitty body, doing well to keep this seemingly alive water nymph afloat.

Lights:  RP to find out!

Also very tell friendly; this is a game afterall, lets have fun!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling