Carmine Rosa-Summers

Carmine Rosa-Summers
Race: Hybrid (Demon/Dragon)
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9

Relations: Mey'rin (Mother), Sindri Rosa-Summers (Twin Brother), Aisha Rosa-Summers (Half-Sister), Charissa Baequimitore (Half-Sister).

Could be mistaken for any 'normal' human being if you passed her on the street, pale face curtained by hair the color of red wine with a perpetual mask-like expression, the only hint of her monsterous heritage is the cat-like slits in the middle of those blue eyes, if you see her without the eyepatch. Anyone who has met Mey'rin she see her features plain as day in her daughter. Her physical shape is rather average, not unnattractive but not enough to turn the heads of every passerby, though her choice of dress may raise some questions.

Personality: Carmine is stoic as they come, it takes a special person to get genuine emotion from her, and someone really special to earn her open disadain. Her nature is aloof and moral compass is not always pointing south, occasionally, mostly depending on presence of family. She is unlikely to start a fight, but more inclined to finish it and make sure the offenders can't do it again. Being raised by her mother has instilled a vast protective nature of family, extended family included.

(More bio later, maybe)

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf