Severo Vasilios

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 141 LBS
Hair: Dull White and Long
Eyes: Dark Grey, Shines in the moonlight
Face: -Hidden- Formless from the bridge of his nose to his chin, a hard fabric covering his facial features and a hood covering his hair and ears. Only his tactical eyes would be in view.
-Unmasked- A soft and handsom face with alluring lips and a smooth facial contour leading to a rounded chin and sharply pointed ears.
Between his lips two Sharpened fang-like teeth mar a well kept smile. Lining the gums above those teeth are two silver rings with small embossed markings.
Skin: Pale Grey
Body: Slender and Muscular, the body of a great acrobat and contortionist. Greatly endowed for and elf, visible when aroused.

//Biography at   //
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown