
Race: Half-fiend (human / night hag)
Height: 156cm (5'1")

Even at a passing glance, Melancholy shows the telltale signs of her fiendish lineage. Her skin - while soft, smooth, and devoid of blemishes or scars - is an unnatural dark hue and her eyes are pale, almost-lifeless pools. Her raven hair is carefully brushed and typically held back by a silvery cuff, usually tossed behind her or draped over her shoulder in a loose tail. In spite of (or perhaps because of) her fiendish appearance, she is a striking, even exotic beauty. Her youthful, delicate features and a graceful, even demure bearing, can be quite disarming.

The girl seems highly observant, taking in her surroundings and the people she interacts with, with careful study. She speaks softly, and often at a measured pace as if choosing her words for best effect, though she doesn't speak slowly. In spite of her appearance and obvious fiendish nature, there is nothing about her manner that would suggest inherent wickedness. Instead, the girl's expression, even when smiling or laughing, carries a vague sense of sadness, as if every moment had a faint, indiscernible sense of loss.

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Half-fiend (Night hag) Abilities:

Spell-Like Abilities
At will - detect evil, detect good, detect magic, sleep

Dream Haunting
While night hags can visit the dreams of chaotic or evil individuals by using a special periapt called a heartstone, Melancholy's ability is far weaker and involuntary. Those who spend more than a few days in her company may find themselves subject to increasingly terrible dreams.

Change Shape
At will, she can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid

All night hags carry a periapt called a Heartstone to aid in haunting the dreams of their victims. Melancholy carries a similar periapt on the end of a small chain, usually tucked out of sight. As she lacks the ability to haunt the dreams of others directly, its uncertain what benefit, if any, the periapt bestows on her or what may happen if she was stripped of it.

All abilities are for roleplaying purposes only, and no one should feel obligated to play them out if they don't want to.

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Greens, yellows, reds: I prefer to 'go with the flow' when it comes to roleplaying and I'm willing to try anything once. The only sure deal-breakers for me are extreme violence in a sexual context (anything that goes beyond 'roughing up' or slapping around), torture for torture's sake, and anything 'bathroom' related. I'm tell friendly (and usually painfully bored and up for even idle chit-chat) and if you have an idea to share, please reach out!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human