
Even being at least a head shorter than most around her, this petite, youthful vixen tends to stand out of nearly any crowd. She is obviously vulpine, resplendent in a full-body coating of sleek reddish fur, with the finely-pointed face, huge catlike ears and fluffy, restless tail to match. Her real name is Steena, but having worked as a dancer in her past she sometimes goes by her stage-name "Vix Velvet" instead.

As one might expect from a vulpine, "Vix" is too fickle to hold a job for very long. She earns her living by relying on her cunning and good looks, choosing work as it suits her whims. Since coming to the big city she's taken on a variety of odd jobs - messenger, market crier, domestic maid, serving girl, and occasionally jobs of a less virtuous nature. She is far too fun-loving to let a little thing like morality hold her back, and has no qualms at all with thieving, exotic dancing, as prostitution... so long as the gold is right!

Just as one might expect from one of her kind, Steena tends to be playful, inquisitive, and quick-witted. These traits tend toward a gregarious, social demeanor and a light hearted - if sometimes odd - sense of humor. Couple her exotic appearance with her brazenly flirtatious, sensuous manner and it is easy to see why she often finds herself the center of attention.

That sensuality is not always purely for show. She is a young vixen after all, prone to that fervid lust her kind are sometimes infamous for. However, Steena revels in it and indulges in a lifestyle even the locals might even call overly promiscuous! Once Steena started to become aware of her growing fetish for humanoid lovers, she has become even more reckless - though fortunately for her and her lack of precautions, humans aren't able to knock her up! Even with a procession of boyfriends - sometimes more than one at a time - Steena aches for more. She sometimes half-jests about finding a husband someday, though none but the most catastrophically naive of men could ever count on monogamy! But at least Steena seldom disappoints; with her intense passion, startlingly high stamina, and playfully devious willingness to experiment, this vixen rarely has trouble finding someone to keep her company.


For those that take a moment to examine the vulpine more closely - and as Steena loves being the center of attention it is unlikely she would mind - a number of traits would stand out.

Most obvious would likely be that wondrously soft, fluffy fur coat, whose reddish-orange sheen darkens toward the extremity of each ear and each limb. Indeed, Steena's slender arms and well-developed, canid legs each fade almost to black, creating the illusion that she was always wearing 'gloves' and 'socks'. Steena went to very great lengths to maintain her coat; frequent bathing, brushing and scented conditioners have made Steena's coat incredibly soft and lush, exquisitely pleasant to touch and more than a rival for even the most expensive minks or stoles that a noblewoman might flaunt.

It also appears that Steena's particular race of foxfolk is very dimorphic - there is no androgyny here, for she is most definitely a vixen - in both senses of the word! Steena's face and figure are very feminine, with smoother lines and rounder, softer shapes than her male counterparts. Though not very tall, Steena's hourglass shape and ample hips add a seductive grace to her movements. She has also clearly borrowed some cues from the female humanoids around her, adopting some of their fashion customs: a modest mop of fur atop her head has been allowed to grow, combed back into a creditable version of a ladies' hairstyle. The clawlike nails tipping Steena's pawlike fingers have each been carefully manicured and polished. The dark fur which naturally ringed her eyes has been subtly tinted to resemble a thick eyeliner. Even Steena's scent was humanized to a degree, thanks to the expensive conditioners she uses to maintain her coat along with a few drops of equally expensive perfume from Aglon's markets. That said, those able to notice it - especially those of a canine nature - could not possibly fail to note that here was an exceptionally fecund and ready female indeed.

As one might expect, Steena is smallish but certainly not skinny! The vixen sports an lushly curvy body, with wide, round hips and prominent heart-shaped rump, strong, well-defined legs and a plump, gravity-flouting bust. Much of this effect was due to her unusual posture; a sharply arched midsection not only thrust her perky chest outward but also kept Steena's lovely hips hitched up and back. It affected her stride too; when she moved, it was with a pronounced sway that her curling, sensual tail emphasized all the more. That strutting gait is anything but accidental - Steena is perfectly aware of her assests and never hesitates to use them! Heavy flirting, provocative clothing, shameless double entendres, and erotic dancing are among many in her bag of tricks. She can talk as smoothly as she moves, and knows how to pour on the charm... as to whether she is genuine or is after something, well... she's a fox, so who can say?

Player:Hell Hath No Furry
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human