White Oak

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Full Name: White Oak.

Race: Wood Elf.

Alignment: Neutral.

Gender: Transgender.

Battered and weathered through decades of conflict, the elven woman has had her grace taken away and beauty ripped to shreds, both literally and metaphorically speaking. With naught but a single eye left that which is milky white, and cheeks that are riddled with straight line scars, with bladed and sharp weapons being the culprit.

Her cheek bones are sharp and her hair much like her single eye is ashen much akin to the winter owls of the wooden realms. Her figure while bodacious still carries with it numerous flaws which the woman hides away underneath her many layers of padded garments.
If the woman didn't have her 'figure' it would've been difficult to even guess her gender given the fact that her voice is horrendously hoarse - one eerily similar to a person who has smoked cigars every hour in their existence.

A faint scent of the wilds can be felt around her, more often than not nothing exotic for wherever she treads, more than likely the stinking musk of local tree life and as well a small pitch of her own sweat.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human