Rhya Fosterra

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Race: Fae-Touched
Skin: Soft and supple, pale as the moon's light
Hair: Firey Red
Eyes: Eerie Green.
Build: Curvy.
Sex: Femboy (He/They).
Age: Early Twenties (exact age unknown)
Status: Single


Background: When dealing with encounters and correspondences between our world and Arcadia, there is much unknown to the fae themselves just as there is to humans. None of the high courts of the Seelie or Unseelie has ever admitted to the purposeful exchange of a changeling and a human child, and for a long time this was held with scrutiny by those of our world. However circumstances ended up revealing the practice to be done by rogue fae, their intention only known to them. wMost often humans brought to Arcadia do not survive long, and those who do go through ordeals of mania and pain as their bodies and minds are forever changed by the magic of the realm of the fae. Rhya was, by some standards, lucky enough to survive - even if the trauma of their upbringing will forever haunt them in a world that will never trust them. Changelings (a name also given to humans who undergo the changes in Arcadia) may find minor issues in the other realm because of their nature, but Rhya refuses to return - the pain that they would feel being far greater than the one of loneliness they deal with in our world.

Wherever Rhya finds themselves, they rely on the skill of grace and wit that aided in their escape of their captors in Arcadia - an instinct that at times can turn near feral. Despite their manic emotions making them an at times poor choice of companion, especially if the latent empath magic they harbor runs amok, they hold strong connections to confidantes and allies alike - the unstable nature of their past has led to Rhya being a follower by nature, capable of fierce loyalty even if it is at the expense of themselves.


Personality and Disposition: Everyday is a life of uncertainty and chaos for Rhya, this being true of their mind most of all. In time they have learned the social subtleties of conversations they had once barreled through, developing a bit of a silver tongue. Yet to the frustration of those close to them they hardly elect to use it, instead preferring blunt and often rude courses of actions instead. This is what makes them a true weapon to be wielded. Left to their own decisions and choices Rhya would hold no higher ambitions then survival, but when sharpened and wielded they are capable of great possibilities both in subterfuge and intrigue.

Perhaps it is due to the chaos they battle with, but Rhya responds no better than to power. While at times they can be defiant, Rhya is drawn to relationships where someone is in direct control of them. Someone who may treat them badly, but one whose affirmation and love Rhya would do anything for, almost bordering an addiction.


Rhya's frame holds masculine influences, but is blessed with curves in the right places despite it. Androgynous is how their face is often described, with a round cherubic face and a button nose along with pouty lips. Their hair is thick with wide curls, the auburn locks most often grown out giving them a wild untameable mane that practically adds inches to their height, which is a modest 5'6. While grateful for their soft and feminine features, mixed with their height it has the unfortunate consequences of, on a good day, having them mistaken for a teenager and, on a bad day, mistaken for younger.

The fae's reported love of pastries and baked goods is overreported, but one wouldn't know that looking at Rhya. Their constant craving for sweets mixed with work of the mind and not the body has given them a frame most would describe as plump; wide hips with a round butt sit atop thick thighs that have never known a gap - a slender and eager five inch cock in between. Such features are only accentuated by their hairless pale skin flushed with a gentle pink.


White Light: Competent partners, interesting RP, story and character building, dominant/ loving partners and romance, dark themes, controlling partners, loving ownership~.

Green Light: Being groped, voluptuous (large jiggly breasts and big fat butts!)/ taller partners, being flirted with, incest, messy sex, sloppy makeouts, outercourse (grinding/ assjobs/ dry humping), maternal partners, age differences, taboo themes, generally open!

Orange Light: Futa, Men, and being dominant. These are things I ~really~ have to be in the mood for, or you really have to wow me. For Futa I'm not into large oversized parts, and Men I have a tendency to be interested if you are like Eder from Pillars of Eternity. Both will get a boost if well roleplayed!

Red Light: Gross stuff, humiliation, mean partners.

(( OOC Info: I am a very friendly person, so feel free to flat out approach me or send me a tell! I am very open to lots of things, and if I don't like something that I don't have in my lights then I will simply react in character, so if it isn't in my lights then try it out!

Those who seek his alignment through magical means would find it to be Chaotic Good. ))
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human