Jynxeillax Wer'Ixen'Di'Thurkear

Race: Serpentfolk
Occupation: Arcane 'Student'
Height: 6'11 M/F
Weight: 160 Pounds
Gender: Usually Male
Preference: Str- "E'cksstremely Curiouss"
Scales: Unscarred Snow White
Eye Color: Bright-Light Blue
Tail: Nearly Four Foot, a large indicator of Jynx's emotions (To his utmost annoyance)
Scent: A very natural hint of vanilla covered Jynx
Aura: Somewhat Arcane

"Ass for why I am here? A very good quesstion. When one iss fiddling with their insstructorss materialss and you happen acrossss a sscroll that can take you from one plasse to a completely other plasse, do not usse it without ssupervission." Jynx was destined to be a powerful magi within his tribe ever since his naming ritual. Under the teachings of the tribe's serpent witch, Jynx started his training. However, he was highly curious about everything that was strictly out of his ability, and out of his league. "Word of warning. If your insstructor doessn't take kindly to being fondled, run fasst."

Jynx, after a session of failing with a pickup line, spying on a group of female humans, and mastu- "Hem." The white-scaled returned to the hut he shared with a few other magic students and the witch they taught under. No one was present, more then likely out on their own business. A perfect chance to rumage through the instructor's scrolls and books! And as you read, that did not go the best for the serpent.

"I never wore much when I was younger and never needed to wear much now. Bessidess. It'ss much breezier thiss way. Airss out the sslit." The lanky figure wore very little in terms of cloth, leather or even armor. A threadbare loincloth blew in the wind, held up only by the straps around Jynx's waist. Should the wind be strong enough, it blew aside to allow a very brief glimpse of what was underneath.

"Look. I wass a magical sstudent, not a tribal guardssman or elite warrior. Give me a break." The snake-like figure was much like a snake. More grace than muscle. Jynx's overall body structure would remind any onlooker of a viper, cobra, or any slithering creature. Something curious of note, was the two bright green fangs that poked out of his maw. While they may be of some kind of venom . . . "Perhapss the one e'ckssperiment that went completely right of mine wass my fangss. Ussually my rasse injectss poisson, but thankss to a lot of sspellss and help from the alchemisst back home, my fangss pack a sstrong aphrodisiac. I'm not even immune to it!"

"Ssinfar'ss a plasse of a lot of sse'ckss? Okay, yess, I ssuposse I'm down with thiss." A young adult straight out of maturity, Jynx had always been interested in physical relations of different sorts. He's not shy to tell his source of arrousal that he's starting to unsheath, or perhaps even go streaking. While being ackward is his forte, Jynx is rarely shy. It takes just the right personalities to bring out the submissive snake.

"Hssssss." The more Jynx get arroused, the more it's noticeable; The scent of vanilla got stronger and more potent. Before a full erection including both of his subtley-ridged cocks, the source of vanilla could be easily located. Evidently, the vanilla was the overpowering scent of his musk, eminating from his slit. While the scent is delightful all its own, it leaves you wondering:

Did Jynx's sex taste the same way he smelled?

Should Jynx be a female at the time, there wasn't much change. A couple of nipless breasts and a lack of a penis. She would act the same, almost look the same, and would smell increasingly of vanilla the wetter she was.

"I had never actually e'ckssperimented ass mosst of my tribe frowned upon it, but apparently male sslitss of my kind are ass ssenssitive ass female sslitss." It seemed, before his masses even moved from their housing, the toying of his slit provoked a reaction. Part of his anatomy no doubt.

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I would prefer everything to be in roleplay! That's a given. Otherwise, I have quite a few greens and one yellow: Rape. Please ask first. As for my reds: Vore, Gore, Toilet-Play, Permanency, /High/ levels of BDSM. If there's anything that comes up during RP, I promise to let you know.

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"Ass for what I am doing now? Well, magic sstill interesstss me, and hssssk. Sso do other thingss. I'm ssure I'll learn of both, in my sstay here." Not entirely comfortable with his ability to "hunt" as well as other creatures around, Jynx spends most of his time sleeping around, experimenting with spells, trying to learn magic on his own, and bugging the locals. Occasionally, he is capable of all four in the same night.

As for how he earned coin was a slight mystery. In fact, it was quite possible Jynx was flat out broke. The threadbare clothing he wore and absolute lack of possessions definitely pointed towards such.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human