Sapphire Gel

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Gender: None (typically presents as female or shemale)
Race: Sapphire Ooze
Age: 21 (counted from splitting off from progenitor ooze)

In its natural state, this monster appears to be a puddle of blue goo; somewhat translucent in bright light and with the consistency of thick jelly. It carries a faintly floral, fruity scent that tends to cling to the things that the ooze comes into contact with. The creature feels warm and slightly sticky to the touch - some internal process keeps dust, dirt and other rubbish from getting inside the creature, though it does absorb matter to survive, ensuring that it maintains its usual appearance even if out in the snow or sand.
With time and practice, the creature has learned to take on a humanoid shape, typically appearing as a female or shemale. It goes without clothing, and when not focused on keeping its form, the ooze?s features and even limbs tend to ?melt? down into a puddle. When actively trying to attract prey however, it seems capable of maintaining a humanoid form for hours at a time, even striking up simple conversations with its limited vocabulary. It?s unclear how the creature manages to speak, though magic is assumed to be involved.
The creature seems particularly attracted to large, warm bodies and sometimes seems to crave physical contact, or ?cuddles? even when not actively hungry. When hungry however, it tends to favour humanoid fluids, particularly sexual fluids. It seems to have practice in gathering this ?food? and usually leaves its prey alive and unharmed, though on rare cases it has been known to consume and digest creatures whole, particularly when it?s injured or very hungry and in need of lots of energy. It seems to give off some type of pheromone or scent that can cause unwary people to relax around the monster, treating ?her? like a friend or partner, and even growing addicted to the strange taste and sensations of the ooze.

Green Lights: All genders, cuddles, messy encounters, cum, restraint/bondage, submissives, gooey insertions, bossy partners, lots more! Vore/Bad Ends (only if requested)
Red Lights: Usual server rules
Player:Forever Yours
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human