
Portrait Save
Full Name: Michelle Alice Simon
Ethnicity: Caucasian female
Age: 18-19
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110lbs
Eyes: Pale blue
Hair: Straw blonde
Tattoo: Tribal orcish "tramp stamp"

The young woman is rather short of stature, though makes up for it with eye catching curves. Narrow shoulders support a pair of large, firm breasts that have just a little bounce when she walks. A slim, tapered waist flares out to broad, round hips and butt which sways with every step. Her long legs are a tad thick in the thigh, though pleasing to the eye, leading down to shapely calves and dainty feet.

Her face is a soft diamond in shape, high cheek bones and pointed chin. Her big, pale blue eyes surrounded in dark liner and lashes, drawing attention to the kind, shy orbs. A ski slope nose ends with a slight upturned point. A pair of plump, pink lips have a naturally dark rose hue, usually subtly parted when at rest. A light speckling of freckles decorate the bridge of her nose and heights of her cheeks, with more sprinkled about her frame; shoulders, hips, and across the upper curve of her backside.

Etched across her lower back, above the curve of her rear, is a tribal tattoo in blood red ink. A close look would show it to be a stylized bird, the wings outstretched, with droplets dripping from beak, claws, and feathers. Anyone familiar with such a thing, would know it's of orcish design.

Her scent is now much more wild, carrying hints of earth and moss, along with her own natural aroma, faint, and not unpleasant.

(More to be added here as character developments arise)

Out of Character Info

Server rule violations. PvP. Gender swapping.

Non-sexual relationships. Xortar.

Player is not generally tell friendly unless RP has already been established.
Player:Shy Introvert
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human