Ichiro Kazahana

Age: 200 (Looks like 20)
Race: Kitsune
Height: 6'0
Weight: 90 kg

Hair: Dark blue, just over the shoulders
Eyes: Gold/amber
Scent: Somehow sweet but also smelling of the forest.
Marks: His arms, hands and chest are covered with ancient symbols.

Corruption: 100/100
Koori Kitsune form:

Number of tails: 2
Fur: Snow white
Ears: Snow white
Nogitsune Kitsune form:

Number of tails: 7
Fur: Black
Ears: Black
Still a W.I.P.

Ichiro is a very quiet but also a mysterious young man. But when you try to have a conversation with him, he will be polite enough to reply back to you. People can notice that he give quite a chill feeling from himself, if that is too keep people away or that is just the way he is, no one really knows.

Although Ichiro have quite an unique ability to hide his indentity. For sure you will always see him walking with a mask. But there are periods you will also see him as a Kitsune. If you know him long enough you find out that he prefers to be in Human form then actually into his True Kitsune form.
Lights: Still W.I.P. Not really sure if I want to do any ERP with this character.

English is not my mother language, so im sorry if there are any errors in my sentences. TELL FRIENDLY
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human