Nice Desrosiers

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|) ~~~~ #---> Nice Desrosiers <---# ~~~~ (|
//Her name, pronounced "Neese Deh-rose-ay"

 With pale skin and light blonde hair .. as well as a glow from her left eye, she cuts a bit of an odd figure. Seemingly young but with elves, who really knows. Her idle long gaze carries a sarcastic glint and something else bellow, like a dull ache.. the sharpness in her gaze of great pain.

 The elf's fine featured face (or what remains unmarred) is feminine and graceful, with soft but well defined cheekbones. The rest of her face is a litany of piercings, a collection that is a little extreme or fanatical.. or perhaps just trying to distract from the rest of her looks.

 The tilt of her long elegant high point ears is asymmetrical.  One having the grace and beauty, the delicately shaped point showing her sterling elvish heritage while the other is stunted and scarred, it's tip shriveled and missing. Burned or singed away, following a pattern of burns on the left side of her face.

 The orb inside that burn scarred socket is seeming made of a strange green crystalline material. Framed with a silvery metal. Alongside it's twin, a pretty blue, her original colour. It radiates with a soft hum of an arcane nature.

 Nice is slight, lithe and strong. Quick on her feet and quicker with her hands, though there is something about that.. her range of movement that seems.. unnatural, beyond normal range and speed. Something about her limbs, their weight and balance, it seems odd if you have watched her in action.

 The scent of tobacco smoke and the rich spice of cloves follows her. Thick when she has one of her dark hand-rolled cigarettes she favors hanging from her lip. As well as the scent of cared for leather, from her favorite jacket, of which she is hardly ever seen without. She also carries a silver chased leather case with her tools, sharp scalpels, needles, bits and bobs and various sets of body jewelry. All for her art.

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Reds: Noncon, , Heavy themes of Sexual Assault, Scat. Heavy torture/gore. Low Effort
Player:Rose of Scarlet
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human