Eluril Sianodel

In his natural form, Eluril has the typical natural elven beauty to him. High cheekbones, soft light skin, shoulder length blonde hair, pointed ears. He wears very little when actively shapeshifting (as the clothes would likely be destroyed or lost anyway) but otherwise tends to wear something light. He has quite a few scars from his time in the wild. There is one between his eyes from when a wolf bit him when he was young.

Due to living much of his life in isolation with animals he's not especially sociable and tends to be more quiet and reserved but he will open up once he knows he can trust you. He feels most at home while shapeshifting in the wilderness.


Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 120 lbs
Sex: Male
Age: Somewhere around 120. He's lost track. (Physical age in human terms would appear late 20s)
Orientation: Straight
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Very light
Build: athletic but not very muscular in his true elven form.
Eyes: green
Classes: Druid
Alignment: True Neutral


Strength: 14
Dex: 15
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 10

Special abilities: Shapeshifting, druid magic

The Wild Elf


Eluril cleared his mind and focused on the world around him, the trees, the grass, all life that thrived in this forest. He drew on the magic between all living things and became one with the natural world. Slowly, concentrating, he felt his pale arms begin to grow both in length and width. He felt claws stretch out from his changing hands and feet, his teeth became fangs, his body became the strong, muscular form of a tiger and his roar echoed through the woods.



The first time I became one with nature was a moment of utmost peace. My mentor, Alunia, one of the druids of the forest village I grew up in, was by human standards nearly ancient but still young for an elf and a very adept druid. She was very kind and very patient with me. We had many adventures together through the forest, studying nature and learning to become part of it. Little by little I learned to think like the beasts we watched, we mimicked their movements, ate what they ate, slept when they slept. One day after following a pack of wolves for several weeks I woke up to find that I had shifted into the form of a wolf in my sleep. My mentor was a wolf too. We joined the pack and for months we lived as wolves, thought like wolves. I had never felt so free.


Throughout my adolescence we continued my lessons and spent more time in the wilds together than in the village. Each animal took time, study, and special care to successfully become one of them and I wanted to become them all. Alunia seemed to feel the same and we greatly enjoyed our time together.

As I grew older I began to notice things about her that I never had before. The way her long blonde hair sparkled in the sun, her manner of dress, which was by necessity of our practice, practically non-existent, kept nothing from my imagination. One day as we were bathing in a secluded mountain spring, I found myself transfixed by her thin, supple body, pert breasts and tantalizingly round rear. I had witnessed other animals we lived with mate, but I had never done so myself, and I was curious.

She noticed my stare and smiled gently, turning towards me, hiding nothing.
"Come here, Eluril." she said softly.
Slowly, I approached her. We had been naked together many times before but this felt... different. I felt so much more aware of her presence.

She placed a soft hand on my bare shoulder and pulled me into a loving embrace. It was my first kiss and I felt completely stunned. When we broke away she giggled at my confused stare.

"I was wondering when you would be ready for this lesson." she whispered as she pressed her breasts against my chest.

"Relax," she said "and remember your training. This is part of nature too."

We mated there in the grass by the spring. Later on, we would mate regularly as part of exploring different forms. It is my fondest memory.


Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. We had many good decades, continuing to travel together even after I had learned everything she had to teach, until, while traveling with a pack of manticore, a band of unknowing adventurers killed her along with half of the pack in our sleep. I awoke to their death cries and the shouting of the men and I rose to defend her and in a rage, slew them all, but by then it was too late. There she lay, a naked elf woman in a pool of her blood and a poison tipped arrow stuck in her stomach.

Her last wish was for me to continue, to find an apprentice of my own and pass on what I had learned.

It took me a long time to recover from Alunia's death. I spent a long time aimlessly wandering the realms. I lived mainly in cities, for a time. The isolation of the wilderness felt too cold and lonely without her.

Now I feel ready to return, to find an apprentice of my own, to pass on what Alunia taught me. I will have to relearn much, however, as decades of city life have severely weakened my connection with nature.

That, so far, is the story of my life.

OOC Traffic Lights:

RED LIGHTS: scat, gore without a very very good story reason, torture, dismemberment or mutilation, men, futa, OOC drama, low effort, blank profiles, cutting or blood, vore, hyper disproportionate body parts, modern non-fantasy speech or objects (cigarettes, latex, plastic, modern slang, etc. Anything that wouldn't exist in D&D), pedo, cardboard characters, vomit, metagaming, permanent character death.

YELLOW LIGHTS: heavy bondage, tentacles, mind control (unless you're an illithid), orgies, mind-altering substances, breeding.

GREEN LIGHTS: Creativity, thought and effort, literacy, story driven RP,  shapeshifting, light bondage, mentor and student relationship, switch, erotic magic, tragedy, games, aphrodisiacs, oral, anal, vaginal, biting, toys, threesome (with women), noobie friendly (am a noob too), interracial (any race is fine), romance, bisexual female partners, orgasm denial, teasing, kindness and gentleness, wild sex, sex in nature, on-going story and continuity(!), consensual, rape (if given permission OOC), story or character dark themes dealing with loss, slavery or grief if handled maturely, casual non-sexual nudity, monsters, long term RP, quickies, intimacy, vanilla.

By nature of Druidic shapeshifting, a kind of bestiality is to be expected, however I'm not into the idea of sex with actual animals. Druids in animal form, or demi-human races, yes. Your pet horse, no.

Forgotten Realms or Planescape lore knowledge is a huge plus!!

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf