Dustin D. Hart

This young man stands tall, even thoug slightly slouched, at about five feet, ten inches tall with short untameable but straight hair that appears red or brown from a distance, but up close it is a darker shade of dirty blond, the back of his hair always sticking up in a single point. His arms were thin, but not sickly thin, enough muscle to hide bone structure near his wrists and tapered to his shoulder so that his biceps could be flexed if he wasn't self consious about doing so. His chest, when bare as was his prefernce, is adorned with a long happy trail that near reaches a tuft of hair over the exact center of his chest. Unlike most sinifarians, his chest was not rippling, instead it was slightly pudged out, but if flexed it is firm and faint traces of abs beneath what might be a layer of neglect to exercise. His back however is thicker with muscle and curved inwards at his lower back, even with the curve, his back muscles are formed to accomodate an underlying scoliosis. His legs are long and thick at the thighs, noting him to be able to lift great deals even with his slender frame and, when needed, a hasty retreat even with something heavy in tow. His skin is slightly paled from a lack of direct sunlight, likely in conjunction to his lack of diligent exercise. His face is calm and happy in nearly any situation, should it be a truely horrible situation, his expression empties and his face smooths, as opposed to his cheeks tight and lips drawn out. His shoulders and some of his face are covered in zits, blackheads and the occasinoal bump that take away from most of his self confidence about being attractive. He often hides from large groups due to social anxiety, even if he wanted so desperately to get something or someone from the group.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human