Lavs Liger

How long have you been lost out here.
How did you come to lose your way
When did you realize that you’d never be free*

Strange, you see a beautiful young quiet woman standing before you yet that does not quite fit your total perception.

Though a little disheveled my natural beauty radiates enticing you, tempting your gaze.  The breeze playfully dances through feathers weaved into my long light brown-blonde hair.  I look around, taking in all the beauty of my surroundings.  My soft blue eyes meet yours for but just a brief moment, but within that fleeting time inside the depths of my eyes you glimpse strength, power, anger, despair and fear, morphing from one to another incomplete chaos.  As the moment passes you fine once more before you a beautifully young woman taking in the entire world.

Approach slowly and you may gain a loyal friend.  You may even hear a part of her tale.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf