Caleth Dushan

Height: 5'10 / 178cm
Weight: 67kg/147lb
Age: 18-20
Physical: Slim, toned, athletic.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye color: Light emerald

(Tell friendly)

General appearance:

In other situations he might have been considered a good looking individual yet he's just another average looking person among the people of these lands. After all it seems like these islands tend to attract people with nice features.

He has short brown hair, both of his sides and nape are quite shot while his top has enough volume to be able to stylish.  

His body has a natural thinness because of that he doesn't really have a big muscular mass. Considering all of that it seems like he works out and he has the usual toned and slim type of build.

His voice is young, relaxed and with a flirtatious touch. It presents an adequate gravity to be sharp, although it is not a warrior's voice either.

Green Lights
Women, Flirting, Romance, Character Development, Story telling, casual chats.

Yellow Lights
Depends of the mood

Red Lights
Server rules and extreme gore and toilet play.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human