Zu'ulad de Slum

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Height: Tall!
Weight: Heavy!
Eyes: Soul piercing.
Skin: Icy cool.
Race: Gelugon cambion
Gender: Male
Orientation: Prefers feminine partners

A tall and formidable spawn from the eighty layer of hell, Cania, this cambion has lived in Sinfar all of his life hence he does not lean into the stoic, domineering role that his father held in the beeatzus ranks. Instead of leading regiments into a never ending battle Zu'ulad was content with selling drugs in the slums in order to turn a quick profit. Pimping, brawling racketeering and any other easy scheme lured the grinning fiend in.

Rime continuously forms over his body when in hotter climates and even in temperate environs condensation is always forming on his body. It is like a never ending sweat that releases around him an intoxicating aroma carried by cool air.

The lust for power and coin is only rivaled by a fiendish libido that, when combined with a 'get what I want' attitude forms the glacier before you.

Whites: Anal, oral, creampies, throating, roughness, depravity

Greens: Most things

Reds: Poop
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human