
Portrait Save
<< The first draft is just you telling yourself the story. >>

~* At a Glance *~

Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Height: 5'2''
Build: Chubby
Predisposition: Curious, amiable, spoiled
Notable traits: A subtle hint of saffron and incense lingers about her. Wears expensive clothes. Often holds a book or a journal. Occasionally wears spectacles.

~* In detail... *~

A number of things might draw an onlooker's attention towards Aurynn. There are those who are likely to note, firstly, her heritage: Whether pureblooded or showing evidence of its ancestry, the golden  hue of her horns and the spreading metallic specs over her otherwise yellow scales on her wings and tail marking her as a golden dragon.

Of course, there are those more prone to note the creature's rather hedonistic build. Despite her short stature, Aurynn's physique is what could be described as nothing less than chubby. Soft, pudgy rolls of flesh adorn her shapely body, granting her not only a deep, plunging cleavage but also a set of pleasantly soft love-handles, resting just above her wide, round hips and her thick thighs. If anything, this young lady appears rather comfortable with her shape and does very little to avoid the indulgences that might have bestowed it upon her, be them sweets or wine, and a remarkable aversion to hard labour.

And then, naturally, there are those that might note that this woman does take great care in choosing her possessions carefully: whether an indecent and revealing set of lingerie more apt for the bedroom than public wear, or a fine dress worthy of a princess, Aurynn never wears anything that could be described as 'cheap'. Elegant, expensive fabrics are the only acceptable material for her clothing... and when it comes to her accessories, such as the multiple jewels worn on her person or her spectacles, they are always, invariably, authentic and made of precious metals and gems.

Whatever the reason one looks at her, one would most likely find her looking back at one point or another, perhaps curiously inspecting you in return - an air of inquisitive machination lingering about her person as she takes in her surroundings.

~* The Light Show *~

Favourites: Males or masculine creatures of all varieties, but might also show interest for other genders if the mood suits. Extraordinary abilities or traits, skilled use of mundane gifts.

Unlikely to happen: Plain, vanilla scenes. Slavery or long term relationships of any variety.

Will not partake in: Scat, vore, or anything illegal or against server rules.

Tells are welcome for enquiries regarding the character or lights.

** Important notice **

I have recently had a baby! This means that I may need to step away with very little notice if the little one needs me and might be AFK for prolonged periods. If you approach me ICly and I do not answer, it's likely I'm away and not ignoring you - apologies if this happens!

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human