
Name: Zilya'Darra
Race: Drow
Heigth: 6'0" (183 cm)
Haircolor: Silvery white
Eyecolor: Blue
Gender: 100% female
Build: Strong athletic build
Bust: Modest B-cup
Orientation: Bi-sexual

Languages: Common, Elven(Drow Dialect), Drow sign, Undercommon

Greens(Means things i prefer):
Females, Hermaphrodites, Shemales, Elves(Drow and otherwise)People with a decent description(Meaning i dont have to look at an empty field, or need to read a novel to see how meticulously a nail is painted)Rough play(A bit of hair yanking, nail scrathing, that sort of things)

Yellows(Things i maybe want to do..):Males, Celestials and half Celestial, Fey and half Fey, Rape, Half Fiends

Reds(Things i absolutely care nothing about):
Fiends, Undead, Horselings(and other assorted hoofed creatures), Catlings, Small races(Halfings, Gnomes and Dwarves to name a few), Torture, Stuff against server rules(DUH!), Scat, Vore, Gore, Anything belonging in an actual toilet, Perma Anything(Includes death, scarring, tattooing, etc), Slavery, People who are too submissive
Player:Dawn of the Ages
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf