
Fighter 10
Bard 1
Arcane Archer 29

Fighter 1-9
Bard 10
Arcane Archer 11-38
Fighter 39
Arcane Archer 40

Race: Elf

STR 14
DEX 20+
CON 12
INT 10

1- Luck oF Heroes
2f Point Blank Shot
3- Rapid Shot
3f Weapon Focus: Longbow
5f Weapon Specialization: Longbow
6- Called Shot
7f Blind Fight
9- Toughness
9f Improved Critical: Longbow
12- Great Fortitude
15- *
18- *
21- Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow
24- Epic Prowess
24a Great Dexterity I
27- Great Dexterity II
28a Great Dexterity III
30- Great Dexterity IV
32a Great Dexterity V
33- Great Dexterity VI
36- Great Dexterity VII
36a Great Dexterity VIII
39- Epic Fortitude
39f Epic Weapon Specialization: Longbow

* Since this build is already trying to bolster its saves as much as possible, I recommend Lightning Reflexes and Iron Will (for protection against casters). Energy Resistances are also options (for protection against other AA's).

- A stun-resistant variant of the Turret. Good for CTF and Open World PVP. Perhaps slightly better than the Turret for PvE Shard Runs if only because saves are better than elemental resistances (which are the primary differences between these two builds).

- Please note that these stun-resistant series of builds are not meant to be immune to Stunning Fist; they are designed to be resistant with as little compromise to the core functionality of the build as possible.

- 57 Fortitude maximum. A standard DC 61 stun build has a 15% chance of successfully stunning you if they land a hit.

There is no skill break down for this build because I didn't want to confuse anyone. Because you are taking Bard only at level 10, you can only get 13 skills points into things like Tumble, Spellcraft, and UMD before cross-classing (and UMD cannot be cross-classed). You will want to max at least Tumble at level 10, then continue cross-classing into Tumble until you have 20 raw skill-ranks for +3 AC. Max Discipline. You can get either Heal, Listen, or Spot (but you won't be a very good detector so Heal is generally more useful). There will be points left over for things like Perform, maybe a sprinkle of Spellcraft. Honestly, as long as you have Discipline, you will be fine. You might have to relevel in the OOC room once or twice to tweak your skillpoints just the way you like them.

- Gear: +12 DEX/CON/STR, +5 Armor/Natural/Deflection/Dodge, Haste, Fortitude. Discipline, Elemental Resistances, and Saving Throws as needed. Swap out STR if you need more PP.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf