Nikolai Var Baelar

Portrait Save
Race: He'd appear human.

Height: 6'8

Weight: 241 lbs

Eyes: Cold, calculated, crimson

Hair color: A vibrant, healthy black

-Engaged to Valerie Von Vamperia. Captain of the Shadow Guard-

What you can see...

Before you stands a armoured behemoth, standing 6'8. The man would be clad head to toe in shadowy black armour. Examining his face, one could see a faint glow of crimson through the shroud of his hood. Peering deeper, one would notice the faint illusion of his jawline. It was a soft, chiseled line, denoting his youth and human features. A few scars barely kissing the young noble's cheek. Lowering one's gaze, they'd find that he was a broad chested, perhaps muscalur male. Coated in more of the expertly crafted armour. Torso, shoulders and arms trapted beneath layers of plate. It was clear by the fit of the armour he was a large being, but one could not determine his physique. Intricate etching adorned each piece of plate, simple elegant thorn patterns. Upon looking lower, shockingly one could see more plate armour.  Again, only being able to discern thick armoured thighs, calves, and feet. The layers of plate inlayed with similar thorns.

Sadly, one is left to wonder what lays beneath. Perhaps, one may discover...

A litte background...

Nikolai was born a noble, of house Baelar a lesser hold in the kingdom of Vaerhelm. He spent his youth training, striving to be a valiant knight to bring honour to his house. Being a lesser noble, he was forced to constantly strive to prove his worth to his betters, and to hold power over lessers. Ambitiously taking up sword and shield as a bannerman for whichever greater house was to call. He often found himself in battles far above his skill, and talent. One fateful day, one horrific field of war, Nikolai was struck asunder. He laid upon the battlefield, his body cleaved nearly in two, clinging to whatever few seconds of life he had to live.

That is when a shadowy being appeared before his dimming vision, time seemed to pause and the being was unabaited by the chaos of battle around him. The cloaked figure offered his hand, was this the grim reaper, was this death?

A pact more than he bargained for. As Nikolai took the figures hand, he felt a surge of abyssal power. The shadowy void proclaimed "Accept my gift, and you shall live to avenge yourself." The fallen knight really had no other option, grasping the demon's hand with as much strength as he could muster.

Power, power surged like lightning and coarsed through Nikolai's veins. He felt his body pull together, shadowy abyssal tendrils stiching him together. His eyes rolled back into his skull, emerging back anew. A cold coarsing crimson. The figure merely laughed, a cowling snicker of most vile evil and dissapated as quickly as he appeared.

Time rushed back into focus, Nikolai lept to his feet, overwhelmed with his power, he erupted a earth shattering, quake. Decimating both foe and friendly alike. a greatsword materialized from a void before his eyes, fitting into his grasp seeming to surge with abyssal evil. He stood alone, on a battlefield strewn with the dead. He knew he could never go home again...

         - Lights -

Green: Good RP, all manner of things. Honestly there isn't much that myself as a player won't RP, will deal with his likes/dislikes according to his character and mood. I am tell friendly, so don't hesistate if you have any specific questions or set-ups.

Reds: Only true red is breaking server rules. Tsk. Tsk
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human