Riley Ralien Feinor

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*You see pretty slim "woman" with pretty firm rear and almost no bust. Eyes look curiously around and lips are always ready to get warm kiss*

Riley became member of Nim court like Marquise Ralien Feinor.

Sex: Male
Type: Femboy (bisexual)
Age: Adult but young looking

Special abilities:
1) To be cute
2) Limited shapeshift of body parts
3) Limited self-healing
4) Breeding ability
   (Spell arcanist added him a tight
   passage to frontal inner wall of his
   rectum which ends after about
   three centimeters with woman
   cervix and females organs
   (womb and ovaries) inside his belly.

English (70%)
Czech (99%)

OOC: I enjoy pretty everything. Riley a little less but be my guest.

RED(NO): Perma death, perma changes without consent, breaking server rules
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human