Rai Incantus

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Name: Rai Incantus
Age: Unknown (Looks to be in his late thirties)
Height: 6'3"
Body: Tightly muscled and compacted like a swimmers body.
Eyes: light blue but there seemed to be lightning that crackled and flickered creating a glow
Hair: Snow white
Orientation: Straight

Where Rai come from he was nothing more then a god amongst men. He was revered and treated as one would expect of his station. Sadly a life of constant fame and expectations to deliver waned on the man.

He wanted nothing more then to live a normal life, so he found himself travelling to Sinfar's realm where everywhere he turned was a demon, an angel, or some such wonderous, unique being. Unfortunately this came at the cost of a curse from his brother for leaving his post on his realm which gives him something of a Werewolf form. ((This is still something new for him so please feel free to ask about it and if you want to do anything with it))

What a perfect place for a god to simply be nothing out of the ordinary.

Of course there is always more to the story then what Rai lets on and the only way to find out more would be to talk to him.

//I don't plan on rping him as some OP being that can't be harmed or is the most powerful thing to walk the lands of sinfar.

Lights are something I might cobble together at some point but right now I'm going to leave them pretty open and please feel free to ask them I'm pretty tell friendly.

Reds: Anything against the server rules, Gore, Torture, Toilet play/Watersports, that kinda stuff.
Player:Northern Storm
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human