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Faceless... Truly invisible. No one. Who am I? I am no one, yet any one.

In a vain attempt to keep what presence of self I do have intact I've decided to write my thoughts here.

Do I have a name? I did once. No one alive knows what that really is. The game has become an addiction. I blend and meld so easily now it's like second nature. I have become fond of the faces I wear. I've gotten close to some of their acquaintances. I'd like to be 'friends' with some one them but I can't afford such luxuries. For now I've set my sights on an organization that would do me well to reside in for business and protection. Perhaps it requires a bit more work and nuanced changes but, I feel it will work nicely for my desires.

Soon enough I'll have to find some one I can share my affections with more freely. Right now I've been enjoying the freedoms of sculpting my looks to attract others. We'll see how things develop from here.

[Shape Shifter] - What you see is what you get

[Typical Forms]

A name meaning helper of the fallen.

This is a tiefling creature- Aziraphale's True form.

A name meaning Trusted Companion.

An arrogant creature obsessed with coin. A simple comical comment on the Drow race. He services well enough for my entertainment.

A name meaning Crystal.

There is an.... emptiness... a void with in me... It's deep. Deeper than words can describe. Yet familiar and terrifying all in one. I took some time to lay in the grass and look up at the stars in the distance and just... be. It reminds me of how small and insignificant I am in the grand scheme of things.
I was toying with the effects of Bio luminescence and creating a phosphorescent glow. I was able to treat this unique manner of giving off low levels of light.

I've decidedly given this one a sorrowful story. He knows little if nothing about the world around him and was a kept pet due to his unique physical qualities. I've decided to render this form Mute. Something had to go in order to create the unique glowing effect why not a true voice? They always take so much time to consider and make unique and to change the inflections. I've taken to Drow sign language well enough and have been able to preform confidently now. It is a disarmingly meek form in truth. He dons simple vulnerable clothing of soft silks. Giving him a strange wonderment of how groups of people work seems to be a fairly easy to follow script. I have grown fond of the attention this one revels in with the ladies. It seems plumage attracts even humanoids, so I must hand it to all the birds of paradise. They certainly had a a good idea.

I have been enjoying my newest Creation.

I've dubbed him the Drow word for ' Crystal'

I have decided that his scent marker shall be as sickeningly sweet as he is. Yet exotic and rare as he is himself.

Night blooming jasmine, strong powerful scent, accompanied by gardenia, a touch of nutmeg, lavender, and some musk to help the odor last.

A name meaning Mercy.

A soft name for a weak person. I've created a wide eyed over excitable waif of a male. Blonde hair and silvery white wings.

A rich sandalwood rose composition accented by muguet, jasmine and soft oriental nuances of musk, woods and amber. It's manly and woody enough to pass for something Elves would desire and find fashionable.

I find this personality irritating. I often pair supple dark blue with whites and silvers. He's well likely easily enough and friendly and approachable. He services for that which he is needed.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human