Eska Short'spear

Portrait Save
Race : Half Orc/Elf
Sex : Fully female
Height : 4'10"
Weight : 90 lbs
Age : 19
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Born to a rather unfortunate elven slave, Eska would be raised in an Orc tribe. Half tolerated half bullied by the orcs for being such a runt of a half orc, Eska would eventually be exiled from the tribe.

Traveling the larger world Eska would begin to seek out artifacts of a magical nature. Being something of a collector and researcher.

Keeping well away from the cities the small orc would fear the walls as many of her kind do.

If viewed without her clothing one might notice a large tattoo upon her back, but to one versed in magical arts (DC 15), it is clearly an active rune.

/actively looking for other orcs (prefer males) and wizarding types. I especially love orcs with culture, it can be brutal and savage and I want it to be, but having something more than 'raid and pillage' is great.
magical research and artifact searches being the only real way of meeting Eska outside of racial grounds./

Reds: the usual, server rules, vore, scat and piss, mind break/mind control.
Yellow: Long term slavery, being held captive, drastic changes to the character.
Green: rape, racism, sexism, ect.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf