Gilly Pedderee

Age: 22
Height: 5"1"
Sex: Female
Race: Halfling
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Brown

A former first mate to the captain of Princess Guille, Gilly found herself sent to Sinfar for a spiritual journey after a few bad strategic decisions.

WIP as she learns the island.

Whites: Rape, Rolls, Subbing, BDSM, Body mod, being approached, Large insertions, brutes and ugly beasts, anal.

Greens: Torture to a degree, bad ends.

Yellow: Just ask if you don't see it. Non-con into con.

Red: Pedo, bathroom stuff, trying to start an ooc relationship.

New to NWN and SinFar. Not new to RP. A sponge looking to learn.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling