Roxanne Julaera

Portrait Save
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Profession: Hypnotist (Enchanter/Illusionist)
Disposition: Cynical
Orientation: Bisexual - Dominant

Physical Description: Pink healthy skin with longer deep pink hair reaching down to her upper back. Unnatural eyes with black sclera and a yellow iris with her one eye being hidden slightly by her long locks. A soft body with a buxom chest and fulfilling rear for a human. Deep purple finger tips and toes, with smooth skin.

Outfit Appearance: A long brimmed witch hat of purple with a set of thorns and roses adorned to the top of it. A purple neck piece that sat above her large breasts that were barely held in a black and purple one piece that covered just barely above her upper tights, doing little to hide her form as it hugged tight. Baggy, long sleeves with purple exterior and red interior reaching down to long black gloves that covered her hands and fore-arms. Long black stockings with red rimming on the top reaching to deep red heels finished off her outfit.

In addition, she carries a long well carved staff in the form of a Cobra Serpent, purple and black with gold Lines on the design of the head. The snake is often animated and acts as if a normal snake, save for the scales being dominated like bumps rather then actual scales.

Personality: A surprisingly cynical woman who often focus' on the business side of her work. She's not much one for idle chatter if given the time to pursue her interests and magical experiments she so enjoys. If a person does catch her eye, she does tend towards becoming more inquisitive to them, if not a bit pushy. Those who do tend to annoy her will find large amounts of sarcasm and disinterest from her voice as she attempts to vacate their presence.

Spells/Abilities: (WIP)

-OOC Notes-
Player is Tell Friendly and OOC Conversation friendly. Character is geared for magic-focused rp or hypnotism/experimentation. This does not mean she is solely focused on it, but that is the primary interest.


Whites: Mind Control/Hypnotism, Behavior/Conditioning, Subtle Manipulation, Resistance Breaking, Magical Experimentation, Tentacles.

Greens: Casual Roleplay, Adventuring, Discussions (particularly in Magic), Snakes, Eldritch, Lightning.

Yellow: Permanent Changes (Discuss with Player Please.)

Red: Pedophilia, Toilet Play, Vore, God Moding.

Final Note: This character is still in the Works, this note will be removed once she has been completed.
Player:Vaskel Dihault
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf