Aleksander Kerberos

Race: Human

Height: 6'2

Weight: 198lbs

Eyes: Shining emerald gems

Hair color: Wavy, sea-washed brown

What you can see...

Standing at an average height for a human male, Aleksanders skin would a sun-kissed bronze. Examining his head, one could see his short lengthed wavy chestnut brown hair. His deep, shining green orbs standing out amongst his chiseled, square jawline. His face looked pristine, almost as if it was sculpted by the gods themselves. Not a scratch, cut or flaw upon it.

Lowering down, one would see a broad shouldered, rippling pectoral physique complete with washboard abdominals. It was hard to describe, he was not bulky mass of muscles, nor was he frail and petite. Just the perfect amount of lean and mass. Truly a gift from the gods.

For the eyes that wandered even further downwards. They would see a sizeable bulge between his thighs, though clothed in fine silks and cloth.  

         - Lights -

Greens: RP, seriously just RP. If it's not in the reds, the character will deal with it IC.

Reds: Only true red is breaking server rules. Also, No scat or watersports.. That's just nasty.

Player is tell friendly for all manner of things. Setups or OOC chats. Whatever it's all good.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human