Coal Waterbringer

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Coal is a chipper readheaded satyr who often has a smile on his face.  Brown horns curling back from the crown of his head, and his bottom half is that of a goat.

At 6ft, Coal is fairly tall, and has a handsome, masculine face dusted by auburn scruff and vividly red hair. His broad, freckled, muscular frame moves with a smooth gait. He tends to gesture with his large hands when speaking. He moves with an erratic grace, seemingly enjoying to be in movement. He often bobbing from side to side when he is overly idle.

He has warm blue eyes with a yellow splash of colour near the pupil. He conveys a caring demeanor but take on a glint when amused, leading to a toothy smile.

He carries a light scent between honeysuckle, hay and cedar on him, mixed with the scent of a male orc.

Tell friendly. Helluva gay. Tends to frolic in the Forest of Eternity.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human