
Is this horrible place?'

Deep in the pits of a strange city's sewers, I awakened to find myself fatigued, and empty...

A dreadful realization set upon me, as I recoiled in horror at my visage, muscle and tissue rendered naught but grimy bone and withered organs.  Relentless suffering washed over my being, as I crumbled on the ground in a heap of rotten gore...

Then I saw it... A salacious, fat rodent, grooming whiskers and fur, as it and it's pack flocked across the filthy cobbles near where I lay...

I feasted on one of these little plague spreaders, piece by piece regaining a sliver of the strength I had lost during my horrid journey of peril through time and space...

It occurred to me, that things were now very different from what I had been so used to, my blighted eyes examined from beneath the sewer grates how the citizens of this strange city above, made light of the world they lived in.

Decadence, and vile debauchery everywhere my eyes went... I felt nothing... Their yearning, was not mine. And my noble blood screamed in horror at the sins of these denizens...
Yet there was more pressing matters to attend, because now I found myself surrounded...

It seemed my murderous spree of feasting, did not go unnoticed by my little fur clad observers down here...

It appeared I would have to clear these vermin, and thus pave a different path out of this place...
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human