Drann Nephteon

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(Bio updated on 07/30/2023)
(Currently looking for someone to play his aide / accomplice Sylvia; send tell for details)


Height : 5'11"
Weight : 145 lbs
Hair : Deep brown
Eyes : Tropical sea-blue
Skin : Sun-kissed Caucasian
Age : Looks in his mid 20's
Orientation : Heterosexual

Usually finely dressed, the young man seems nonetheless to bear a bit of a frown or scowl wherever he goes. Despite that, his traits are quite handsome and something about him just catches the eye in the right way. Travelling light, he would have a few pouches and small bags on his person, most of them lined along his belt. As far as armaments goes, a single, elaborately designed mace hangs at his belt.

His physique was not as impressive as many but that lithe figure did tend to have people take a double take at him. Likewise, his voice has a depth that enchant the ears, often even making people who stand end up catching on his every spoken word.

At times, he can be seen holding a violin and playing, lost in his own little world as he uses music to relax and help him think.


Drann was born in another land, as the son of Yastiand Nephteon, a monk of the Blue Moon Order, and Mystique Darkmoon (later Nephteon), a cleric of Sune. Raised in a family of three as the second son after his brother Karam and after his sister Ninkiri, Drann was always the taciturn, studious type, preferring books over interaction with others... which was an annoyance to him once he found out that he had an innate influence over others that draws them to him.

However, unlike his siblings, Drann is not Yastiand's biological son as he was born from a fling between his mother and another man. Nevertheless, Yastiand raised and considered the boy as his own despite Drann himself still harboring the sentiment that he didn't truly belong. The distance made it so that he'd generally hide his talents despite his mother's encouragement to embrace them.

Once his father passed, he was the first to leave the household and striking it on his own. Through several turns of event, he would end up leading a revolution in the city of Wallkeep with his aide and collaborator, Sylvia, then elected to be the new mayor's confident and counsellor.


As the son of a human and one of the daughters of the goddess Ishtar, he is divinely touched with longevity (basically being unaging, still looking 20 while he's by now well over 100) and inner strength like his mother but was spared her divinely touched lust. Instead, he would gain the ability to influence others by his presence, usually having much ease in convincing people to align with his ideas and opinions. However, despite the temptation to use this talent for his own gain and the values he learned growing up from his parents, he would instead to keep a firm leash on this ability.

Drann usually do not seek out others for intimacy but his own influence tends to instead draw in others to him. As such, he often finds the attention of others bothersome as this may well lead to some to being clingy. He would relent at times and prove to be a capable lover, if only because he was so often drawn into such situations in the past that he eventually did become quite skilled at it. (This is mechanically reflected as his "Bard Song" and "Curse Song" : whenever he willingly uses his gift of influence, it would normally be to embolden allies or weaken foes)

((Drann is a high charisma character and while he may be quite handsome, his charisma is best expressed by his force of character and personality, doubled down by his 'gift' of presence and influence. As all things RP-related goes however, this is not enforced but can be used to make for interesting situations if it is))

# Greens, Red and all the fun stuff #

[ The DON'Ts ]
- Suddenly logging off without reason.
- OOC Drama and OOC Grief : We're here to have fun people, not drag out RL in!
- Guilt-tripping and pestering, both to myself and anyone involved in a RP with my character.
- Characters bios using incredibly dark colors.

[ Reds ]
Watersports, scat, paedophilia, men / males (intimacy only, socializing isn't an issue), extreme bodily harm (giving or receiving), being submissive / a slave, bestiality (as in, straight up animals; he doesn't mind female anthropomorphic)

[ Greens ]
Casual sex, socializing, vaginal sex (giving), oral sex (receiving, giving). Anal sex (giving), rough sex, cervical ejaculation, one-night stands, D/s play (as dominant)

If you're wondering of anything else, feel free to ask in a tell or OOC and I'll answer you about it.

[ Stance on self-contained RP ]
Think of SC RP as RP happening in its own little bubble / timeline : whatever happens during those RPs isn't canon at large and usually done out of the way (indoors or in remote locations) to avoid unintended interruptions. This can be for a single session or something ongoing. A good example of SC RP use : you have a submissive character that has mine as a master but outside of our encounters, your character is still considered masterless. This is mostly to avoid "pinning down" a character to another and leave openings to enjoy opportunities outside of my and your character meeting. By default, I consider all RP as persistent but I leave the door open to make it self-contained if you wish it to be and I may suggest it if it seems appropriate given the situation or goals of the RP we want to share.

[ Stance on Tells ]

Feel free to send me a tell if you'd fancy the company of Drann in one way or another. I'd be more than willing to 'run into each other' or arrange to meet somewhere and approach or be approached by your character ;)

Other notable characters :
- Dregan Balthesus, half-brachina, half-celestial
- Kallas, tribal dominator
- Kregian Balthesus, Dregan's father
- Vinzergard, surface born male drow
- Karam, Drann's brother
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human